I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

11:30 p.m. on 2003-03-03

try n save..the store on the Simpsons

Sometimes, music is really a good way to leave the world for a while. In my car, on the floor in front of the passenger�s seat, is part of my collection of tapes. Since my drive to the college is about 20ish minutes and sometimes the radio sucks, I need tapes to listen to. I found my Forrest Gump soundtrack and I was taken back to a happier time. Not really, but it felt really good to listen to a few songs, mainly �fortunate son�, �sloop john b�, �break on though�, �turn! Turn! Turn!�, �aquarius/let the sun shine in�, and �sweet home Alabama� ..such memories, even getting that tape..my sister and I drove to Middlesboro, Kentucky to see what was there.. it was a nice drive, though Daniel Boone parkway, and there was a mall. After living in the Tampa Bay area then moving to a small college/interstate town, malls are a big thing. ..or were a big thing..malls just don�t supply much joy as they once did. But the music still does supply joy.

Sigh, I know I can�t go back, I don�t want to. Just, well, it�s nice to think back to something, when I didn�t worry about things I worry about now.

When my nephew is over, he watches this cartoon called Hamtaro and at the end of every show, the girl always says something like �today was a pretty good day, and tomorrow will be even better, right, Hamtaro?!� And I think she might be right, sometimes.


8 days til I leave for spring break!

around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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