I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

11:09 p.m. on 2005-07-30


the whole resigning from casa was eating me up inside. so i turned to religion for answers..and religion came though!! i don't have a bible because they are too expensive (and i keep forgetting to take one..).. but i do have the Teaching of Buddha that i took from my hotel room in hawaii.. and while i was flipping though..i came upon this:

"Fifth, there is a tendency for people to neglect their duties towards others. They think too much of their own comfort and their own desires; they forget the favors they have received and cause annoyance to others that often passes into great injustice."

i found that when i was trying to go to sleep to prepare me for working tonite..but i realized i would be doing these kids a great disservice by giving up on them.. and i should never give up on kids. so i went to try to see them. and though i felt (and still do feel) like i've been beat up, my heart doesn't hurt so much. infact, when my heart was quieted, i feel lighter, like i did an excellent thing..let alone the right thing.

around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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