I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

11:44 p.m. on 2003-07-08

i like adding

it really makes me happy and giggly to join all these diary rings. the page didn't take forever to load either for me.. i will do all the alphabet.

the CP logo and guestbook will stay at the bottom.

believe it or not, this is an attempt to clean up my page and put myself under some lables. i have to define what i like..which is not always easy..

If i miss any or decide i want to add, i'll make them under miscellaneous. and number them if need be. =) oh, i like this a lot =)


around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

5 most recent entries

hold on boys..is that the chatanooga choochoo? - 2005-10-23
- - 2005-10-13
oh my god yay!!!!!! - 2005-09-11
- - 2005-09-08
wooha - 2005-08-23

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101 list 10 more things.. 100 Q&A's

honest list happy days

Diaryrings AbC DefgH IjklmnoP QrstuvwxyZ