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1:40 p.m. on 2002-07-10

seven -books

howdy. so. i was reading "Women at Home in Victorian America" by Ellen M. Plante. i finished it. it's a wonderful book about the typical aspects of middle-class victorian women.. including mothering, making calls, flower vocabulary, manners, dress, home maker duties, etc. i then re-started reading "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac. it's a terribly interesting book..but i've been trying to finish it since december -and i refuse to read anything else til i do, now. if you don't know, it's a story about a guy traveling around the US in the 40s/50s.

it's soo easy to see the hardships and good times in each book.. unbelieveable.. appearance and mannors were so vital to victorian women, where as Sal, so far, is more interested in finding his freedom to write and travel then i'm sure, finding his nitch in life. both books seem to suggest making calls on friends but go about it 2 very different ways. Victorian women were in a prison so to speak, trapped in their homes, Sal had the freedom to roam but apparently only as far as his circle of friends were.. money wasn't even a problem for him -he could hitch a ride. whereas money was what made a victorian woman who she was -er..what class she was a part of.

fun books. i'll perhaps have more to say when i finish 'on the road' ..



around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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