I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

8:50 p.m. on 2003-02-05


I was playing in my closet again today. This time, I was working with the clothes on the hangers. We�re talking about clothes I forgot I had. I tried on most of them..and surprisingly most still fit. There was even a shirt that I got in 10th grade that still fit. I used to love that, well I guess it�s a blouse. I used to wear it to church whenever I could.

I did a bunch of other stuff but none that seems super important to talk about now, like laundry, going to a temp agency, and calling a few places to get info about passport renewal and GRE. I also got my first investment snapshot with only MY name on it. Aww.. at least with these investments, I no longer need a custodian. Stupid getting older, now only I and my investment representative can fuck up.. not my dad. Crazy stuff and frankly, I don�t plan on messing with it too much.. maybe taking some of the dividends out for school� We�ll see where I go after this semester.. And there are always government funds I could apply for. Anywho, I�ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I guess I�ve run out of things for tonite.. kinder tired. One thing nice about public diaries, if you don�t know what to do, you can beg and plead people respond to a question. And here is your question, even if you don�t know me and or just passing though:

What should I do for Spring Break?


A) stay home and find work/ work

B) stay home and lounge

C) stay home and study

D) go to San Diego/ Mexico Tijuana

E) go to hell in a hand basket

F) go to Ontario

G) go to Wyoming

H) go to sleep

But I must keep in mind, I�m most likely going to Alberta in May and Las Vegas in August.. =) so.. fun fun, somehow.

Ok.. I go. Tata


around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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