I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

6:24 p.m. on 2003-02-08

whaaaaaaa! hiya!

I�m reading this book that was suggested by a Canadian on CENTRAL PERK. And as I have a budding curiosity in Canada, I decided to get and read it. It�s called �Why I hate Canadians� and it�s about, as far as I can determine, Canadians finding themselves in the world. The author outlines the history, attitudes, ideals, and even culture that is Canadian. I�m only � way though.. but it�s an interesting view. I like books and conversations and movies and things that give me a new perspective to roll around. It�s a quick read book too. I paid 22 dollars American for it.. but I think that should have been 22 Canadian. It has �Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data� instead of the Library of Congress.. and it only says 22.95..so I�m guessing that would be in Canadian, that would be like 17 or 18 American? Oh well. I guess to get a different perspective of non-home culture, you have to pay more.

My quizzes in my webclass were found and graded.

My nephew takes his first Communion tomorrow. He said he is going for the wine =) ..That kid is growing up WAY too fast. But I think he�s growing into a fine upstanding person. ..but we�ll see in a couple of years if I still think that when he�s going though his teenage angst. But I think if he still has military Mike as a father figure.. well..it could be hell if he makes one mistake. Mike is not married to my sister or anything..but HIS parents paid for my nephew�s first communion suit.. ..We are currently all sure that Mike and my sister will marry some day. Poor fuckin� John. That man screwed up.. perhaps it was good for my nephew that John was always gone.. he was (er..would have been) a horrible father. Yep, I just sit back and watch the fun unfold. I wonder if I�ll ever get married. Either way, if I ever have a child, I hope it has a stable family life, whether it�s one or 2 parent.. but alas, I don�t have to worry about that for a long time either. ..That�s why I just sit back and watch the fun.

The only other big news, it�s been cold around here. 50s. Haha, no snow..but still.. and think this summer I will be complaining that it�s 115..(maybe).. Stupid weather.



around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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