I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

7:00 p.m. on 2003-07-07

cuz i got tv..

Slow morning. Job fair today though. I applied for a position at the casino that had the fireworks display.

Lapin scratched me on my arm and it looks like it would hurt to wear my watch. It stings a little bit to bend my wrist (it doesn�t hurt to wear it, just to move my wrist or take the watch on or off). When I went to put her down on the floor so she could hop in her cage her back foot caught my wrist and went up my forearm. I can�t cut her claws because they are barely white. And to cut the pink is like cutting the end of your finger, apparently, so I�m fucked. Maybe I could file her nails down.

Yes, apparently I could file her claws as long as I don�t hurt the pink. Heh, I guess I�ll just try a regular wood emery board. But she�s just lounging right now, I have her cage door open and she�s content to sit in her litter pan. I�ll do it this evening. Maybe parsley will wake her a bit.

I think I�m becoming stuck up and selective in whom I want to listen to. If a person is going to be totally self absorbed, I don�t really want to hear it, UNLESS it�s in an arena like a journal, then I EXPECT it to be about them. I mean, if you�re going to bring up something to discuss or justify something that�s fine, but when you�re the ONLY one talking for A HALF HOUR and IGNORING every comment, then..yea.. you just liking hearing the sound of your own voice, clicking of the keyboard or something.. I don�t know. But I�m not going to pay attention to it. Usually it doesn�t bother me but it does bother me today.

Don�t mind me. sigh. Maybe I�m jealous that people can talk about themselves that much. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to offer anyone in the way of intellectual conversations. Talk about cartoons of the 80s though, I�m all over it! Booya! Heh. I�m not very worldly. Maybe history too, some music discussions, I�m usually glad to listen to any discussion whether I can contribute to it or not. Though I prefer to contribute but I usually don�t or can�t. sigh.

A few other things that pissed me off today:

110 out, I�m wearing jeans, and I get cold bumps and shivers from the a/c.

My mother was looking for gray hairs on ME head.

Not being as prepared as I could be with my resume and references. Gah. I�m so stupid sometimes.


O/~ Somebody once asked/ Could you spare some change for gas/ I need to get myself away from this place/ I said yep/ What a concept/ I could use a little fuel myself/ And we could all use a little change o/~

I could use some fuel and a change too, Mr. Smashmouth!


around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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