I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

10:51 a.m. on 2002-07-08

five -grizzlypoo

strawberry cake for breakfast (opps) not healthy. ok. i'm cynical..i can't help it. my friend poured out her proverbial heart and says, " Interesting how terrorists attacks take place throughout the world and we sit back and say oh well, not our problem. but when a plane flies through our economical system, we expect the world to jump to their feet in outrage and demand retribution for the acts..why? it's not their problem that thousands of americans died on this day. rather a double edge sword isn't it?" -Griz-i know how to spell israel-zly

I don't know about the truth or falseness of this.. but i responded: "of all the peaches i've tried, i like canned peaches the best ..another testimonial that really doesn't matter.."

What i mean (and think) is that individual opinions (unless you are president, VP in the senate..or possibly some form of a talk show host) don't matter in a the setup of a government we have now..

frankly..i think there is value in what my friend says.. but i insulted her.. figures.. all this quibbling over religion and land just tears people up.

i watched Dogma last nite.. new favorite i think.. i hadn't seen it since i was in vegas about 2 or 3 years ago.. wonderful film.

around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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