I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

9:39 a.m. on 2002-07-07

four -phoenix hell

yesterday was dreadful. short version: i went to phoenix, sat at a car dealership for 5 hours, went to a mall, ate, went home. The extended version is something like: sat at a car dealership for 5 hours (watched 3 episodes of the muppet show =)!)while my sister found a truck. we then go to the mall, arizona mills in tempe and go to the rainforest cafe. it had atmosphere no doubt but..it was funky..i got a rainstorm (rum, gin, vodka and other goodies) which was what i needed for the 2nd part of the trip. sometime after lunch/dinner, we went to the bathroom and then lost dad. we were pissed and frantic to find him (big mall) so mike (sister's bf) and paula (sister) went one way, and my bob(nephew) and i (diary writer) went another we ended up meeting but not finding dad..they went through virgin records (do i get paid for mentioning them?)and i continued to walk around the mall eventually finding him. we then found mike, paula, and bob and as they stormed past us, i shouted 'you all suck'..they stormed back up to us and shouted 'we suck? blahblahblahyakkityshmakity' and left. dad and i then left. when we got to gila bend, we pulled up next to them..and dad appologized to mike and paula. i expected more from a trip to the concrete mecca. i wanted to clothes shop..but that was a dream. i did however get alanis morissette (jagged little pill) and denis leary (no cure for cancer) cds.. and strange brew (impossible to find in yuma). ...and i found a new love for frank sinatra..

..i've decided i want to become an alanis morissette groupie..i wonder if she has a diary ring..i should end this and go check.

around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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