I feel: The current mood of ohmarcia at www.imood.com

Marriage is love.

Terror Alert Level

9:23 a.m. on 2002-07-06

three -advice-givers

k.. there is something wrong with the people i usually get my advice from.. i think my small circle of 'wise sages' is fucked up.

my 1st 'sage' advises me to do stuff that is either impossible to do or expensive ..for why?..i don't know ..i'm starting to think she's sadistic

my 2nd 'sage', bless his everloving heart, always asks me if 'is it because of me?'

3rd 'sage' echos me

4th 'sage' might tell me to go with what i believe in my heart (i don't know what i believe, hence my asking) then changes the subject to something about her.

and the 5th 'sage' the "sane" one usually suggests ok things.. but then goes on a rant about what he thinks i should do ...i just about give up.

oh. i'm going to phoenix.. that's sick when the closest city is that far away.. i'd much rather go to san diego to have a day vacation.. to see the flowers and expensive houses and the ocean and the mesmorizing downtown but no.. and i get to go with family.. even more fun =P ..perhaps i'll buy something really useful and expensive.. perhaps more later

around to the front - what's next? huh? where to?

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